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Friday, December 4, 2009

Writing Online: What Works and What Doesn't

November was a month to recovering from the eHow sweep, rewrite and rethink article placement and enjoying family and friends for the holiday.  Now its time to get back to work before the next holiday week arrives.

December will be the fourth month for me and I think I'm finally getting the hang of what works and what doesn't. Keep reading to see what I have found out. 

What works - short, quick how to articles; best earner - How to Make Money Easy and Still be a Stay at Home Mom; second best earner - How to Flush Your Water Heater
What doesn't work -Herbal Remedies and How to eHow articles; Holistic health related articles have been moved here to my Examiner page and I have created a second blog for all eHow related tips and tricks
Opinion - Also it is my opinion that while after a certain period of time, articles may do fine on their own, eHow friends and the eHow community do assist in boosting an article potential in the first 4-6 months.  (Note:  Others will disagree with me on this point, but this is what I personally am experiencing.)
December Goal - To have a total of 50 eHow articles by the end of the month. 

What works - Time sensitive articles with an on topic twist; This is truely a news driven site.  It is possible to drive traffic to evergreen articles, but for earnings, newsworthy articles published every 3-4 days min. are best; linking to other relevant articles in my library and other Examiner's, as well as sources and reference articles.

What doesn't work - Publishing newsworthy articles on top of one another (one in morning and one in afternoon), over a three week period articles posted in this manner did not drive additional traffic but actually seem to compete against each other.
December Goal - Publish 3-4 newsworthy articles each week;
Experiment - Try to work in several evergreen articles that work well with the newsworthy article and link back;

Suite - 
What works - Still trying to figure out this site; and what works best.
What doesn't work - To be determined.

December Goal - Publish 2-3 articles in varying topics and 1-2 articles on topic per week to see what works and what doesn't

Looks like I'm going to be a busy camper this month.  I am working on the November earnings numbers and will aim to post results this weekend.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Recovering Your Deleted Articles - Tip 14

Hopefully anyone who is taking the time to write online is keeping either a hard copy or a back-up copy of their work.  If you are not doing so, stop everything you are doing and save your work right now!
Sites do not guarantee your articles will not be delete or lost due to a computer glitch.  Some sites (eHow) even have occasional sweeps where sub-standard articles are intentionally deleted by the site.  Writers are responsible for their own record and back-up keeping.

How come my articles aren't earning yet? Have Patience - Tip 13

Have patience with your articles, don't delete a low (or no) earner. Give them a chance to mature before deleting or tweaking any article.

It is not likely you will see hundred dollar payouts your first month. It is more likely you will see pennies (or nothing if your article isn’t keyword rich) the first month. Research consistently shows it takes time, 4 to 6 months – sometimes longer, for your article to reach peak monthly earnings.

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