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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Creating Residual Income for your Online Content Using RedGage - Tip 21

A fellow Suite101 contributor, David Harris-Gershon, alerted me to a new do-follow site for promoting articles, blogs and websites, RedGage.

From their site RedGage is defined as, "RedGage is a website that pays you for your content and monetizes

your social activity. RedGage helps you make money for what you're already doing online and by building traffic to your content on RedGage you can maximize your earnings."

I decided to sign-up and give it a try.  After completing the necessary profile info, activating the my membership and uploading only 9 links to my existing articles and have already begun earning.  Yes it is only pennies, but in my opinion, any residual income is good residual income and when it begins to drive more traffic - yay!

RedGage pays in the form of Visa Gift Cards in increments of $25.00.  My goal will be to upload all my content this week and I will report earnings at the end of February.

They also have a referral program and increase your earnings for the next month if you refer 3 people during the current week.  Click to sign up for RedGage, add me as a friend, and please remember to use my member ID (riefderrico) when asked who referred you!

Update January 31, 2010 - So far I am really impressed! Yesterday I added 9 articles which began earning immediately.  This morning there was $0.23 in my account for doing nothing but adding links.  Today my goal was to add more links and categorize my articles into collections.    With 148 links earnings are up to $1.94. Checkout this members profile earnings for the potential of this site. 


  1. Redgage is ok but I find I do not get a lot of traffic from the Redgage site. What amazes me is the number of hits I get on the REDGAGE site and how few clicks through to read the article.

  2. I am also noticing this same thing. It seems that when I'm posting content there are plenty of views, if I'm not posting - not so much. I know that it is a do-follow site, so the back-link weighs heavy but in the over all picture as additional income, I'm seeing (maybe) one gift card by years end.

  3. I use RedGage but after 7 months, I'm only at $8 and change. I do add each article or blog entry (and random photos, which seem to get more hits) after I've published just for the link. Can't hurt! I don't plan on getting rich from RedGage but it's worth the time, I think.


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